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Getting more from your equipment.

Equipment lasts longer, and costs less to maintain.

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See how we put the special into Schaeffer’s specialized lubricants.

Specialized lubricants you can depend on.

Reduce equipment failures and downtime on the job site.

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Schaeffer oil is your single source supplier.


Moly EP Oil Treatment

  • 가솔린, 디젤, LPG 엔진오일 첨가제

    혼합비율 엔진오일 4~5 쿼트 당 Moly E.P. Oil Treatment 1 파인트

Performance Benefits

엔진 마찰 및 마모 감소

밀봉 효과 향상으로 Blow-by 가스 누출 감소 및 출력 증가

오일 소모 감소, 연비 개선